Petkim at a Glance

Petkim at a Glance

We are the first and only integrated petrochemical company in Türkiye that produces industrial products to create sustainable value.

As a key supplier of industrial raw materials, we strengthen the country's economy and support sustainable development. While contributing to employment growth, we lead the way for a clean future with our investments in energy efficiency, occupational health and safety, process safety, and environment-friendly production processes.

We have developed nearly 60 petrochemical products by combining our experience of more than 56 years in the industry with our "digital thinking" approach. We contribute to numerous industries such as plastics, chemistry, packaging, pipes, paints, construction, agriculture, automotive, electronics, textiles, pharmaceuticals, detergents, and cosmetics with our high-value-added products such as thermoplastic, fiber, and paint raw materials.

We meet about 11% of Türkiye’s petrochemical raw material needs by producing at full capacity in our 15 main and 6 auxiliary facilities in Aliaga, Izmir. We are the biggest exporter of the Aegean Region, with our supplies to approximately 48 countries.

By combining our R&D experience with cutting-edge technologies, we are constantly improving our energy efficiency and product quality performance. With the Industry 4.0 standard we achieved in the digital transformation, we have become the only company from Türkiye to be selected in 2020 for the "WEF Global Lighthouse Network", which is determined by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and accepted as the "facilities of the future". Today, we are ready for the future with our faith, international success in digitalization, and strong sustainability vision.

Our Vision

To strengthen the Turkish economy with our superior petrochemical products.

Our Mission

To sustain our development, which aims for operational excellence with its strong organization and culture, together with our stakeholders

Our Values


Safety is our top priority and we are committed to safeguarding our employees, society, environment and future generations through every action we take.


Sustainable Steps in the Production Cycle

We adopt a responsible production approach that respects the environment and people and is based on efficiency.

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Continuous Support
to Employment and Economy

million tons


We continue to grow with an average annual gross production capacity of 3.6 million tons in our 15 main and 6 auxiliary facilities.



With nearly 60 petrochemical products we have developed, we meet 12% of the petrochemical product demand in Türkiye.


Employee PEOPLE

We offer a safe, fair and healthy working environment to our employees, who are essential to our success.

Sustainable Value

We are in the top

ten in ESG


We are ranked 8th out of 206 companies in Sustainalytics' Global Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance rating.




Thanks to the "My Value" Program determined by our employees' suggestions, we have implemented more than 460 value-added projects since 2021.

ISCC Plus certification

Production of bio, cyclic and bio-cyclic Ethylene, Propylene and LDPE products

A Digital Factory

We are in

the Global

Lighthouse Network

Thanks to the Industry 4.0 standard we achieved in digital transformation, we became the only company from Türkiye selected for the 'WEF Global Lighthouse Network' in 2020.

$ million


With the Diesel Pool T95 Optimization Project, we saved 2.4 million USD annually in production costs by using machine learning methods.

HOUR GAIN Equivalent to


With Robotic Process Automation (RPA), thanks to our digital assistants, we have reduced the operational load by the end of 2021 and achieved 15 thousand person/hour savings.

Our Development Journey

Our adventure started in the petrochemical industry in 1965, and we have continued consistently within SOCAR Türkiye since 2008.


Our Most Important Resource is “Human”

Join us for your career journey in the petrochemical industry.

Staying on top of business excellence

We meticulously monitor our activities' social, economic, and environmental impacts and share our performance transparently.

Click to review Petkim's 2023 Integrated Annual Report

Click to review SOCAR Türkiye 2023 Integrated Report

Contact with us

Get in touch with us for your requests and suggestions.

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